Chris Hadfield: “Don’t let life randomly kick you into the adult you don’t want to become.”

Everyone’s favorite Canadian Astronaut, Chris Hadfield, has written a really good book, The Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth. He tells the improbable story of how a kid from Canada grew up dreaming of going to space and ended up as the most well known astronaut of his era. The book is filled with lessons he learned on his quest but that are relevant to those of us who will only be astronauts in our imagination. Hadfield has been a prominent and relatable voice for space exploration and science education. And he just seems like such a good guy.

ZenPencils created a great illustration of this response from Hadfield in a Reddit “Ask Me Anything”, which he did while orbiting the Earth in the International Space Station:

Decide in your heart of hearts what really excites and challenges you, and start moving your life in that direction. Every decision you make, from what you eat to what you do with your time tonight, turns you into who you are tomorrow, and the day after that. Look at who you want to be, and start sculpting yourself into that person. You may not get exactly where you thought you’d be, but you will be doing things that suit you in a profession you believe in. Don’t let life randomly kick you into the adult you don’t want to become. –Chris Hadfield

Act like you are who you want to be. Do the things that the ideal version of you would do. Live the life you have imagined.